Tim Schultz-Leach
Week 5, entry #9
Today we learned about behavioral patterns. We learned how unique and needed socialization is for us in our modern society. We learned how being anti-social or not having human interaction can really cause the body and mind to become depressed. We also looked at the way someone does things or the way things work around you can change or shape your personality. Which seemed very interesting to me when we brought up if people are born with their personalities or if we grow into them. Such a complicated question that I believe has no real right or wrong answer. However, if someone is loved and nurtured versus someone who is imprisoned and tortured, would their personalities be different? And even if they were, would we be able to justify it either one way or another?
One way I can help society would be by sharing my wonderful personality with more people by being more social. One way I could possibly hurt society would be to negatively affect the personality or socialization skills of someone else. This could leave a heavy impact on their life, possibly keeping them from great achievement.
A way society could possibly help me would be to abandon all types and forms of social media and making people interact more face to face with each other. Some way that society could possibly affect me negatively would be to allow social media to become too extreme in every person’s life that it fully consumes them.
I chose this picture because it shows the realities in which both of these types of schools put into kids minds. It also shows that homeschool children, such as the orange fish, can be socially awkward after being homeschooled once they go into reality.
1) If someone is over nurtured, will the effects be positive or negative?
2) Does the amount of time you socialize with people change your personality?
3) Does money effect someone’s personality?
Hypothetically we could stop allowing ourselves to become less physically social by removing social media sites from phones, making people have to actually physically talk to the pretty girl they see at the gas station rather than looking them up.
372 words, 3 highlighted, 1 picture, 1 video, 1 hypothetical solution, 3 chapter questions